Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dawn of Grace . . . catching up on Calvary Love

The past few days our family was pretty far from Calvary love.  It felt hypocritical to write about sitting at the foot of the cross and trying to be like Jesus when we were all so sick and wounded and looking less and less like the Image of God and more and more like sinners too far gone for saving. 

Bare feet stepping on glass
We break along life’s paths
Our fear and loss, we bring it all to you
Soul-breather, making all things new
You’re making all things new

We come in pieces
We come in fragments
We come discolored
To the foot of the cross
Our Maker sees us
All that we have been
Bonds us together
The Image of God

Clay vessels molded for His own
Shall we question him who holds
And shapes us, for His perfect use
Soul-breather, making all things new
You’re making all things new

We come in pieces
We come in fragments
We come discolored
To the foot of the cross
Our Maker sees us
All that we have been
Bonds us together
The Image of God

Soil breaking for the seed
Seed breaking for the life
His life broken for the soul
We are remade whole, remade whole

Finally, this morning was like the beginning to a NORMAL day.  Delaney woke to her alarm on her own and prepared for school.  Her beautiful blue eyes look up at me as she left.  Her mommy was actually there to see her off for her day.  I kissed her sweet golden hair.  "I love you Laney.  Make it a great day!"  Danica was finally well enough to go to preschool.  Her joy and excitement while getting dressed and eating breakfast all the while tweeting her morning song made my own heart find a melody too.  I watched Dan and her walk out the door holding hands.  Her little "Danica" backback on her strong shoulders and her sweet white neck sticking out of her puffy pink heart coat.  "I love you baby bird.  Be careful.  (I can't not say it.)  Remember, You is kind.  You is smart.  You is important."  Chirp.  Smile.  Every moment that even glimmers with healing instead of hurt is an achingly beautiful one in our world.

I close the door and turn to my quiet morning alone.  I don't feel the need to rush around and make beds or organize something.  I don't run to my "to do" list on my desk and begin making phone calls.  I don't take my coffee and sit to watch the TODAY show.  I only want one thing.  Give me Jesus.  I need to see His face.  I need to know there is nothing more I can do to make me safer, more loved, more forgiven than I am right now.  He finished it all.  He covered my failures of the past days completely.  He remembers them no more.  Rest here.  The sun is rising.  The warmth of His perfect love is thawing the thick frost on my heart.  It's another Dawn of Grace

Oh, the law I cannot keep
Brings me breathless to my knees
And there I learn to let the gospel be
The sum of what I know
Like rays of rising hope

Oh, dawn of grace upon my soul
The sweetest day my heart has known
And once I looked on Jesus’ face
It was the dawn of grace

All my striving is in vain
All my pride a losing game
And all of my best efforts, simply chains
My Savior steals me from the night
Leads me into love and light

Oh, dawn of grace upon my soul
The sweetest day my heart has known
And once I looked on Jesus’ face
It was the dawn of grace

Every day His mercies are new.  It's never less amazing is it?  To look full into His face and know for sure you are redeemed. 

Quiet prayer. 

God, make me look more like You today.  Take the broken pieces and make me more whole.  Do something new in my heart and life today.  Help me live Calvary love.

(If you haven't dowloaded Christa Wells and Nicole Witt's album Image of God you are missing a blessing.  Five heart songs. I love them all, but I think the Lord's Prayer is my favorite.)


  1. Monica, you are a blessing...thank you for walking transparently here, sharing how He leads you from brokenness to wholeness again and again and again...you is kind, you is smart, you is IMPORTANT. :)

  2. Monica,
    You are an inspiration. Your blog and words are beautiful! I will be praying for you and Danica. I know that his love and peace will surround you in this season. I was thinking about your quiet prayer. I pray almost that exact prayer everyday but I love the last sentence: Help me live Calvary love. Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you for sharing the Image of God. His peace.
