I sit here this morning looking out at the perfect powdered sugar coating of snow on the ground and soft sunlight reflecting off the lake. The same lake that yesterday was splashing over the shore as the winds and rains furiously moved the usually very still water into choppy waves. It reminds me how quickly the storms can come and how quickly He calms them and allows sunshine to visit again. It reminds me of Grace.
I wonder if I had been shown a year ago the path God was asking us to walk if I would have obeyed. I see only in part even now what He has been doing in our hearts and lives and the hearts and lives of people around us. One thing I know for sure. We have been active participants in real miracles.
Miracle. The word holds so much power. I used to hesitate to use it much because it's very definition implies the occurence is rare, and it should always point to Divine intervention. It's often thrown about in careless ways that dull it's shiny meaning. Still, I have read over and over the accounts in the Bible, and I know God is doing these same kinds of amazing things today. The focus of Christ's miracles was always faith and always the heart, even if bodies were healed, water was turned into wine, waves were made to cease, He was always pointing to spirit and soul issues. He was always showing His power to bring God the glory.
I read this yesterday. Words from Christa Wells reminding me extraordinary God intervention is happening all around us every day if only our eyes would be opened and hearts me made to see.
When something life-giving falls from us who are riddled with want…a word of kindness or sympathy…an inconvenient act of generosity…isn’t it a miracle?
If something touched by our trembling fingers grows gold and winged, soars … finds entrance to another human soul…isn’t it a miracle?
When a child looks you in your tired eyes and reaches a small hand, adoring…
Isn’t it…miraculous?
When a friend hears the pained confession,
and stays…
Is it not the most welcome kind of miracle?
When work comes along, finally…
When the work is completed…
When an improbable friendship is born…
When we find a fragile opening to forgiveness…
When something lost is found…
something broken healed…
something caged released…
When one creature carries and nurtures another in the caverns of its own body…
When the crocus smiles from snowy earth
and strangers share a meal…
When brothers and sisters pave new ways…
When suffering sweeps over and still we see light and truth and love and hope…
When the creator loves…
When the lover saves…
And the savior lives!
may we be moved to see the marvels of things in motion here…
the miraculous, gorgeous possibilities which rise from the ashes of ”reality”
providing what is needed for Life.
I can't breathe as I read the last lines over and over. " . . . the miraculous, gorgeous POSSIBILITIES which rise from the ashes of "reality" providing what is needed for Life."
I woke up this morning. He lifted my head as I ran to His word and prayer. He fed me. He clothed me. I am heading home to spend the evening with my girls. I feel absolutely no pain in this moment. I am surrendered. I am hopeful. I am hearing, "Yes!"
I can't wait to see what He will do next!
A related listen: Sara Groves – Miracle
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