Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Iowa or bust!

I am sitting here typing in the dark because Danica has been up screaming already tonight that her legs are hurting. This is a symptom that has been increasing over the past weeks and is worse when she is lying down. She is sleeping next to me now but her legs are moving all around like she has restless leg syndrome. Every passing day I am more sure we need to get these pieces together quickly and find her some relief.

We have an appointment set with Dr. Menezes at The University of Iowa Hospital on Friday, May 28th at 2:30 pm. My parents have lovingly offered to take the trip with us so we will be driving and they will be able to help watch Danica during the consult after Dr. Menezes examines Danica. (In most our visits with doctors either Dan or I, usually Dan, has to take Danica out so the other person can converse and listen. It always makes us feel like we are missing information and disjointed when we leave.) My sister Rochelle and her boys will come here to stay with Delaney while we are away.

We met with Dr. Cohen today, Danica's neurosurgeon for her first decompression. He so kindly spent an hour with us going over the newest scan and many of our questions. He confirmed Dr. Menezes is the only doctor in the US who is truly specialized in Danica's condition. He was impressed with our quick referral from Hopkins, and he even emailed us tonight that he has a call in to Dr. Menezes to discuss Danica's case. I will update a little more tomorrow on his advice for us as we head to Iowa and actually have to make these big decisions.

We are feeling glad to have a plan in place and several times today God has confirmed in my own mind and heart this trip to Iowa is clearly His leading. I have a little sheet of paper in my Bible that says in my mom's hand writing "Proverbs 3:5-6. I love you dearly." She gave me that note and a bag of Twizzlers laying on my bed when I was 15 and seeking direction in my life. I keep it because those verses connected to her love have always given me strength and peace. Tonight I will "Trust in the LORD with all my heart; and lean not on my own understanding. In all my ways I will acknowledge Him, and He shall direct my paths"--OUR path on this journey.

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