Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Disney and the American Dream

Today there was a short article in The Canton Repository about the Perry High School medical technology student's efforts to help raise money for Danica's Disney wish through the local organization Wishes Can Happen. They are hosting a spaghetti dinner this coming Friday from 4 to 8 p.m. at New Life United Methodist Church at 1023 Whipple Ave. NW.

Just below the online version of the article is a pretty harsh comment amount Danica's wish and how we should just be grateful to have a roof over our heads and food on the table. It hurt me deeply. On a week when packing boxes are coming home with my husband and being loaded into our garage, and Danica took her first very tough fall down our stairs, and I am burning with pain from head to toe, I wonder if this person could even begin to understand how painful words can be.

When Danica was first nominated by others for this wish last summer she was headed into her second brain surgery and spinal fusion, and the last thing we could imagine is a trip to Disney World. If you follow her story all the way back to my pregnancy you will see we have given up almost everything considered the "American Dream" to fight for this little girl's life. God has surrounded us with love and support near and far and has faithfully blessed us with what we need and SO MUCH MORE because of generous hearts like these young people at Perry High School.

Dan and I sit here at night crying and praying about the need to move and what decisions to make to carry us through Danica's continued recovery. It seems moving into my parent's basement may be the answer. Thinking about losing our own space pours salt in deep, fresh wounds. Of course it crosses our minds when we consider the cost of this Disney trip how far that money would go towards rent or medical bills. Don't you see this is the whole point of the trip? It is for families who are faced with chronic illness and back breaking financial stress to have a taste of something magical. It is given to us because we would never be able to take this break together any other way.

We see the scrolling news about the devastation in Japan. We look next door and see children who are going without. Owning our own home, paying for our girl's college, building a retirement fund or even something as simple as a family vacation seem as elusive to us as a cure for Chiari. Dan, Delaney, Danica and I holding hands and looking up at the fireworks behind the castle beneath the Magic Kingdom sky is pretty much what we've been left wishing on. So, please understand how humbled we are by this gift and how grateful we are.


  1. Monica I saw that comment and I'm praying for that person. If they only knew what an amazing family you are and how deserving of this trip you are. I thought of all the things I could say and send but really what they need is to be prayed for. They need to be wrapped in Gods love like you are. I know I have gotten many mean hurtful emails because of sharing strykers story but remember for one hurtful message there are lots of people blessed and touched by your sharing your story. The devil knows when we are on fire to share Gods love and he attacks in the worst way. I will be praying for all of you. Don't worry about the negative people. I try to remember something i heard in a psychology class you can't love or hate something about someone else unless you love or hate it about your self. I feel like those that are quick to judge usually are the ones that probably need to read there own words and apply them to there life's. Have a blessed day. Prayers and hugs. The Reed Family

  2. Gang in there girl! People can just be mean. Most of the time they just do not understand. I am praying you get the wish come true! I know how special it would be for you all. I am also praying that the perfect home is there for you. Hugs
